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Courses, conferences

World Library and Information Congress: 75th IFLA General Conference and Assembly, Milano 23-27 August 2009
Music in Italy: catalogues and cataloguing rules for an extraordinary heritage
Summer School in the Study of Historical Manuscripts Zadar, 26-30 September 2011
Music manuscripts: Description and Access to a Fundamental Medium for the Dissemination of Music
Rism 60th anniversary conference Mainz, 4-6 June 2012
Music manuscripts as a special case towards the extension of bibliographic descriptive standards to unpublished resources
International conference of music libraries Yerevan, 1-3 November 2012
The core problems cataloguing music: rules, standards, systems
Setting up a national network of music libraries: the Italian experience
I Simpósio internacional de musicologia Inter- e trans-identidades em contextos complexos da cultura, Brasilia, 7-9 November 2012
The access to music resources: a librarian's point of view


Events at the National Library

Events at the Mediateca


This page is a work in progress, and aims at collecting reports from music librarians, with short descriptions of ongoing projects, guidelines and suggestions for the coordination and the design of music-bibliographic projects, particularly in SBN cataloguing and digitisation.
Who wants to insert useful news can contact Massimo Gentili-Tedeschi.

Ongoing projects

Titoli uniformi mozartiani in SBN
Il Comitato nazionale "Le vie italiane di Mozart" promuove la correzione di tutti i titoli uniformi relativi a composizioni mozartiane presenti in SBN. La prima fase del progetto avrà termine entro la fine del 2007 e comporterà la bonifica di circa 3.700 titoli...
Presenze femminili
A repertoire of female names in the Noseda collection of Milan Conservatory library, edited by Pinuccia Carrer.

Archives of projects

European projects