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Biblioteca Nazionale Braidense

Ufficio Ricerca Fondi Musicali

National catalogue of music manuscripts to 1900

Attention: any request of reproduction must be addressed to the library owning the manuscript, indicated on the titlecards with a sigla, not to the Braidense.
To find names and addresses please check the list of Italian music libraries.

Your search: Forma = '*CANTO FUNEBRE*', in order by autore, titolo, documento

Titlecards from 1 to 10 of 10

Author Title Form Medium of performace Key Opus number Library Collection
Bertini, Ernesto Canto funebre CANTO FUNEBRE pf I-MAC
Cherubini, Luigi Chant sur la mort de Ioseph Haydn CANTO FUNEBRE 2T,S,Coro,orch I-OS
Cherubini, Luigi Chant sur la mort de Ioseph Haydn CANTO FUNEBRE 3V,orch I-Tn Foą-Giordano
Dalberg, Johann Friedrich Hugo Trauer-Chor auf den Tod Joseph des Zweiten gedichtet CANTO FUNEBRE Coro(4V),orch I-MOe
De Blasis, Francesco Antonio Apollon et les Muses au tombeau de Grétry CANTO FUNEBRE 1V,pf I-VAc
Fiorentino, Vincenzo Patria : Epicedio pei morti di Dogali CANTO FUNEBRE 2T,2B I-Rsc
Gambarana, Giovanni Arcangelo Il 5 maggio CANTO FUNEBRE A,pf I-BGc, Mc Noseda (Mc)
Gambarana, Giovanni Arcangelo Ode funebre per Napoleone Bonaparte CANTO FUNEBRE A,pf I-BGi
Genove, Tomąs Coro funebre per Bellini CANTO FUNEBRE 2S,2T,B,orch G I-Bsf
Mayhofer, Steffen Chant funčbre CANTO FUNEBRE pf I-Tr


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