Cultural associations and institutes related to music
- Abies Alba, Trento
- Research on traditional music of the Alpine and Tridentine area
- Accademia di musica antica, Rovereto
- Research, publications, concerts of early music
- A.Gi.Mus., sezione di Padova
- The local section of the association, devoted to concerts and competitions
- Antitesi, Torino
- An association on contemporary art
- Associazione Aurofonie, Campione
d'Italia (CO) / Carabbia, Switzerland
- A Swiss/Italian association organizing concerts, conferences and
- Associazione Cultura e Musica - G. Curci, Barletta (BA)
- Courses, stages, performance & composing competitions
- Associazione Culturale Corelli,
- An association promoting traditional and ancient music, with concerts and
- Associazione culturale
"L'Orfeo", Spoleto
- Concerts, lectures and courses
- Associazione Culturale Onda Quadra,
- Various cultural activities, courses, etc. around music
- Associazione Dèdalo ensemble,
- An association devoted to the diffusion of contemporary music
- Associazione Domenico Scarlatti, Napoli
- Orchestra and institute for the study of 18th century Neapolitan music
- Associazione italiana accordatori riparatori
pianoforti - AIARP
- The professional association of piano tuners and repairers
- Associazione italiana organisti di chiesa,
Reggio Emilia
- The professional association of the church organists
- Associazione Mozart Italia
- An association with the aim to deepen and develop the study of the life and work of W.A.Mozart
- Associazione Musica d'Oggi, Acqui
Terme (AL)
- The association on contemporary music organizing the festival "Omaggio
- Associazione Musicale AGON, Cremona
- A cultural associaton devoted to the promotion of music
- Associazione Musica Rara, Milano
- An association devoted to research and performance of rare music
- Associazione Music@teneo
- Musical activities in the university of Salerno
- Associazione
nazionale artisti cristiani Il mio Dio canta giovane
- National association of Christian artists
- Associazione romana arte e musica
- Promotes music through courses, concerts, choral activity, etc.
- Animus - Associazione Nazionale per l'Istruzione Musicale
- An association particularly devoted to the Italian laws concerning music instruction and Conservatories
- ATER: Associazione Teatrale Emilia Romagna
- Theatre, music, dance from Emilia-Romagna, Italy
- Bassesfere, Castel Maggiore (Bologna)
- An association of musicians, devoted to jazz or contemporary improvisation
- Big mama, Roma
- A club hosting blues and jazz concerts
- Bluegrass & Country music association of Italy
- BCMAI organizes concerts, jam sessions, workshops and publishes the magazine
Country Store
- Caligola, Mestre (Venezia)
- A cultural association devoted to the promotion of contemporary
non-cult music
- Centro culturale
Antonianum, Milano
- A cultural center with a choir, a string orchestra and a festival of joung
- Cappella Tergestina di Nôtre Dame de Sion, Trieste
- Musical association for the dissemination of sacred music
- Centro studi
e ricerche Giovanni Tebaldini, Ascoli Piceno
- A center for studies on the life and activities of the composer and
- Centro Studi Musicali e Sociali Maurizio Di Benedetto
- Summer courses, publications, studies and research
- Concentus Musicus Italiae, Roma
- Concert organization and music promotion
- The Contemporary A Cappella Society Italy
- The Italian branch of the Contemporary A Cappella Society of America
- Echo Art, Genova
- Concerts, festivals of ethnic music, music therapy
- Ensemble Edgard Varèse
- A cultural association on contemporary music
- EOS Associazione per la musica
- An association for choral music
- Federazione CEMAT (Centri Musica Arte
- a Federation promoting the activity of italian computer music research and
production centers
- Fondazione Adkins Chiti: Donne in
- International Adkins Chiti Women in Music Foundation, member of IMC - UNESCO
- Fondazione Antonio Salieri di Legnago
- A foundation devoted to the studies on the composer
- Federazione Italiana Compositori
- The Italian federation of composers
- Fondazione Italiana per la Musica Antica
- The Italian association for early music supporting studies, courses, etc.
- Fondazione Marco Fodella
- A foundation dedicated to the promotion of the cultural, humanitarian and
social activities in the field of early music
- Fondazione
Musicale Santa Cecilia, Portogruaro (VE)
- A foundation promoting music in oriental Veneto
- Fondazione Rosa e Giuseppe
Pescetto, Varazze (GE)
- A foundation promoting young musicians through grants
- Gabinetto Scientifico Letterario G.P.Vieusseux, Firenze
- A national institute devoted to studies on history, literature and science of the last two centuries
- GAMO - Gruppo Aperto Musica Oggi, Firenze
- Acultural association devoted to contemporary music: concerts, conferences, stages, etc.
- Istituto Liszt, Bologna
- An institute devoted to the studies about the composer
- ISMEZ - Istituto nazionale per lo studio della musica nel mezzogiorno
- An institute for research and promotion of music in southern Italy
- Istituto Nazionale Tostiano,
Ortona (CH)
- An institute devoted to Francesco Paolo Tosti
- Istituto Storico Germanico, Sezione Storia della Musica, Roma
- Deutsches Historisches Institut in Rom, Musikhistorischen Abteilung, the music section of the German historical institute
- I.R.TE.M. - Istituto di Ricerca per il Teatro Musicale
- A research institute in the field of music theater, 20th century music and
- Kamerton artisti associati, Pescara
- Musical activities and a composition competition in Abruzzo
- Mamusic
- An agency representing mostly early music performers
- Il Museo dell'Italia che canta
- An online museum of Italian singing
- Musica Prima - associazione per
lo studio e la diffusione della musica a scopo educativo e terapeutico
- An association for the study and diffusion of music for educational and
therpaeutic purposes
- Musicaeventi, Napoli
- Wedding music, music school, other musical services
- Musicologi Associazione Culturale,
Colloredo di Monte Albano (UD)
- An association promoting music and research on music in Friuli Venezia
- Musicoterapia online
- The music therapy Italian website, by Paolo Caneva and Matilde Fabbri
- Nuova Accademia degli Arrischianti,
Sarteano (Siena)
- Courses of drama and dance, concerts, and mainly Italian jazz
- Palmas International
- International Society of Art & Reseach
- Progetto Anziani Musicoterapia,
- An association and a portal on music therapy, the Alzheimer desease and the
elderly people
- Promo Music, Bologna
- Cultural association for early Italian music
- 415 - Associazione Italiana per la Musica e la Danza Antiche
- The Italian association for the ancient music and dance
- Rosatemusica, Rosate
- An association organizing courses of instrument, of musical culture and
- Rubinstein Associazione musicale,
Palosco (Bergamo)
- An association for the diffusion of music culture in the Bergamo area
- Salva.t.i., Padova
- Association for the safeguard of Italian theatre acoustics
- S.I.F.T.S., Società Italiana del flauto traverso storico, Bologna
- The Italian socety for the ancient flute
- Associazione musicale Sound,
Pontassieve (Firenze)
- An association aiming at the creation of spaces for music activities and
music schools
- Teatro della memoria, Roma
- An association devoted mosly with historical dance
- Troubar Clair, Bordighera (Imperia)
- Association for choral music
- Associazione Turlough O'Carolan
- An association devoted to celtic music
- VoiceArt
- An association devoted to the promotion of voice in music and art
- Vortice
Associazione Culturale, Venezia
- An association promoting music, arts and cultural events in Venezia