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Cultural associations and institutes related to music

Abies Alba, Trento
Research on traditional music of the Alpine and Tridentine area
Accademia di musica antica, Rovereto
Research, publications, concerts of early music
A.Gi.Mus., sezione di Padova
The local section of the association, devoted to concerts and competitions
Antitesi, Torino
An association on contemporary art
Associazione Aurofonie, Campione d'Italia (CO) / Carabbia, Switzerland
A Swiss/Italian association organizing concerts, conferences and masterclasses
Associazione Cultura e Musica - G. Curci, Barletta (BA)
Courses, stages, performance & composing competitions
Associazione Culturale Corelli, Savona
An association promoting traditional and ancient music, with concerts and festivals
Associazione culturale "L'Orfeo", Spoleto
Concerts, lectures and courses
Associazione Culturale Onda Quadra, Roma
Various cultural activities, courses, etc. around music
Associazione Dèdalo ensemble, Brescia
An association devoted to the diffusion of contemporary music
Associazione Domenico Scarlatti, Napoli
Orchestra and institute for the study of 18th century Neapolitan music
Associazione italiana accordatori riparatori pianoforti - AIARP
The professional association of piano tuners and repairers
Associazione italiana organisti di chiesa, Reggio Emilia
The professional association of the church organists
Associazione Mozart Italia
An association with the aim to deepen and develop the study of the life and work of W.A.Mozart
Associazione Musica d'Oggi, Acqui Terme (AL)
The association on contemporary music organizing the festival "Omaggio a..."
Associazione Musicale AGON, Cremona
A cultural associaton devoted to the promotion of music
Associazione Musica Rara, Milano
An association devoted to research and performance of rare music
Associazione Music@teneo
Musical activities in the university of Salerno
Associazione nazionale artisti cristiani Il mio Dio canta giovane
National association of Christian artists
Associazione romana arte e musica - ARAMUS
Promotes music through courses, concerts, choral activity, etc.
Animus - Associazione Nazionale per l'Istruzione Musicale
An association particularly devoted to the Italian laws concerning music instruction and Conservatories
ATER: Associazione Teatrale Emilia Romagna
Theatre, music, dance from Emilia-Romagna, Italy
Bassesfere, Castel Maggiore (Bologna)
An association of musicians, devoted to jazz or contemporary improvisation
Big mama, Roma
A club hosting blues and jazz concerts
Bluegrass & Country music association of Italy
BCMAI organizes concerts, jam sessions, workshops and publishes the magazine Country Store
Caligola, Mestre (Venezia)
A cultural association devoted to the promotion of  contemporary non-cult music
Centro culturale Antonianum, Milano
A cultural center with a choir, a string orchestra and a festival of joung musicians
Cappella Tergestina di Nôtre Dame de Sion, Trieste
Musical association for the dissemination of sacred music
Centro studi e ricerche Giovanni Tebaldini, Ascoli Piceno
A center for studies on the life and activities of the composer and musicologist
Centro Studi Musicali e Sociali Maurizio Di Benedetto
Summer courses, publications, studies and research
Concentus Musicus Italiae, Roma
Concert organization and music promotion
The Contemporary A Cappella Society Italy
The Italian branch of the Contemporary A Cappella Society of America
Echo Art, Genova
Concerts, festivals of ethnic music, music therapy
Ensemble Edgard Varèse
A cultural association on contemporary music
EOS Associazione per la musica corale
An association for choral music
Federazione CEMAT (Centri Musica Arte Tecnologia)
a Federation promoting the activity of italian computer music research and production centers
Fondazione Adkins Chiti: Donne in Musica
International Adkins Chiti Women in Music Foundation, member of IMC - UNESCO
Fondazione Antonio Salieri di Legnago
A foundation devoted to the studies on the composer
Federazione Italiana Compositori
The Italian federation of composers
Fondazione Italiana per la Musica Antica
The Italian association for early music supporting studies, courses, etc.
Fondazione Marco Fodella
A foundation dedicated to the promotion of the cultural, humanitarian and social activities in the field of early music
Fondazione Musicale Santa Cecilia, Portogruaro (VE)
A foundation promoting music in oriental Veneto
Fondazione Rosa e Giuseppe Pescetto, Varazze (GE)
A foundation promoting young musicians through grants
Gabinetto Scientifico Letterario G.P.Vieusseux, Firenze
A national institute devoted to studies on history, literature and science of the last two centuries
GAMO - Gruppo Aperto Musica Oggi, Firenze
Acultural association devoted to contemporary music: concerts, conferences, stages, etc.
Istituto Liszt, Bologna
An institute devoted to the studies about the composer
ISMEZ - Istituto nazionale per lo studio della musica nel mezzogiorno
An institute for research and promotion of music in southern Italy
Istituto Nazionale Tostiano, Ortona (CH)
An institute devoted to Francesco Paolo Tosti
Istituto Storico Germanico, Sezione Storia della Musica, Roma
Deutsches Historisches Institut in Rom, Musikhistorischen Abteilung, the music section of the German historical institute
I.R.TE.M. - Istituto di Ricerca per il Teatro Musicale
A research institute in the field of music theater, 20th century music and ethnomusicology
Kamerton artisti associati, Pescara
Musical activities and a composition competition in Abruzzo
An agency representing mostly early music performers
Il Museo dell'Italia che canta
An online museum of Italian singing
Musica Prima - associazione per lo studio e la diffusione della musica a scopo educativo e terapeutico
An association for the study and diffusion of music for educational and therpaeutic purposes
Musicaeventi, Napoli
Wedding music, music school, other musical services
Musicologi Associazione Culturale, Colloredo di Monte Albano (UD)
An association promoting music and research on music in Friuli Venezia Giulia
Musicoterapia online
The music therapy Italian website, by Paolo Caneva and Matilde Fabbri
Nuova Accademia degli Arrischianti, Sarteano (Siena)
Courses of drama and dance, concerts, and mainly Italian jazz
Palmas International
International Society of Art & Reseach
Progetto Anziani Musicoterapia, Perugia
An association and a portal on music therapy, the Alzheimer desease and the elderly people
Promo Music, Bologna
Cultural association for early Italian music
415 - Associazione Italiana per la Musica e la Danza Antiche
The Italian association for the ancient music and dance
Rosatemusica, Rosate (Milano)
An association organizing courses of instrument, of musical culture and concerts
Rubinstein Associazione musicale, Palosco (Bergamo)
An association for the diffusion of music culture in the Bergamo area
Salva.t.i., Padova
Association for the safeguard of Italian theatre acoustics
S.I.F.T.S., Società Italiana del flauto traverso storico, Bologna
The Italian socety for the ancient flute
Associazione musicale Sound, Pontassieve (Firenze)
An association aiming at the creation of spaces for music activities and music schools
Teatro della memoria, Roma
An association devoted mosly with historical dance
Troubar Clair, Bordighera (Imperia)
Association for choral music
Associazione Turlough O'Carolan
An association devoted to celtic music
An association devoted to the promotion of voice in music and art
Vortice Associazione Culturale, Venezia
An association promoting music, arts and cultural events in Venezia