Other tools
Search engines and virtual libraries
- Risorse per la ricerca, Cilea
- A list of Italian search engines and websites.
- I links della biblioteca virtuale
- By Marcoemilio Camera, Biblioteca del Conservatorio di Como.
Repertoirs of names and places
- VIAF - Virtual International Authority File
- International project for a central authority file of names
- Orbis latinus Online, by Dr. J. G. Th. Graesse
- Latin place names
- Latin place names, by the Bibliographic Standards Committee
- found in the imprints of books printed before 1801 and their vernacular equivalents in AACR2
Variia, professional matters
- Siti e miti by Massimo Gentili-Tedeschi
- A silly collection of musical links useful for music librarians
- ICCU - Attività
- Links to the main activities: Commissione Rica, IFLA PUC, etc.
- Guida a una descrizione
catalografica uniforme dei manoscritti musicali (ICCU) a cura di Massimo
- The web version
and the pdf version of the
Italian rules of music manuscripts cataloguing (1984)
- Il titolo convenzionale
- A first trial of online lesson on music cataloguing (in progress)
- Problemi e
prospettive della catalogazione musicale in SBN: Indice 2 e interfaccia
diretta by Massimo Gentili-Tedeschi
- A brief tutorial on the state of the art (Iaml-Italia seminar, October 2004)
of the Italian catalogue of music
- La gestione della base dati SBN-Musica: un manuale pratico
- A practical manual for the data management in the Italian central music catalogue (in Italian)
- ISBD(PM) French version
- The French translation of the International Standard Bibliographic Description for Printed Music
- Audioregistrazioni
(CD musicali): Analisi delle problematiche e proposta di catalogazione in SBN (PDF file)
La catalogazione SBN del materiale documentario sonoro
(PDF file)
- Two manuals based on the work of the network
of the libraries of Emilia-Romagna
- Musica a stampa by Giuliana Sapori (PDF file)
- A manual of rules for the use in the Lombard SBN network
- Manuel de bibliographie en ligne
- Selected links for music bibliography, maintained by the Franch group of IAML.