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MARC formats, standard numbers

Manuals of MARC formats, standard numbers and standarisation agencies in the music-bibliographic field.

MARC formats

UNIMARC Concise Bibliographic Format (2008)
Bibliographic description format, maintained by IFLA. For the updates see also UNIMARC Bibliographic, 3rd edition: UPDATES 2012
Bibliographic description format, used by the Library of Congress and many other systems.
UNIMARC Guidelines No.7: Music
Guidelines for the use of the UNIMARC format for music materials.
IFLA UNICMARC strategic programme
IFLA activities on the UNIMARC format.
Musical forms
SBN and UNIMARC tables of codes for musical forms, with multilingual terminology.
OMedium of performance
SBN and UNIMARC tables of codes for medium of performance: voices, instruments, other performers, with multilingual terminology.
Relator codes
Italian translation of the UNIMARC table of codes defininig the relation between documents and names.

Standard numbers, standardisation agencies

Website of the Italian agency for the International Standard Music Number
Website of the international agency for the International Standard Work Code.
SWebsite of the Italian agency for the International Standard Book Number.
Website of the foundation for the Digital Object Identifier.