MARC formats, standard numbers
Manuals of MARC formats, standard numbers and standarisation agencies in the music-bibliographic field.
MARC formats
- UNIMARC Concise Bibliographic Format (2008)
- Bibliographic description format, maintained by IFLA. For the updates see also
UNIMARC Bibliographic, 3rd edition: UPDATES 2012
- MARC21
- Bibliographic description format, used by the Library of Congress and many other systems.
- UNIMARC Guidelines No.7: Music
- Guidelines for the use of the UNIMARC format for music materials.
- IFLA UNICMARC strategic programme
- IFLA activities on the UNIMARC format.
- Musical forms
- SBN and UNIMARC tables of codes for musical forms, with multilingual terminology.
- OMedium of performance
- SBN and UNIMARC tables of codes for medium of performance: voices, instruments, other performers, with multilingual terminology.
- Relator codes
- Italian translation of the UNIMARC table of codes defininig the relation between documents and names.
Standard numbers, standardisation agencies
- Website of the Italian agency for the International Standard Music Number
- Website of the international agency for the International Standard Work Code.
- SWebsite of the Italian agency for the International Standard Book Number.
- Website of the foundation for the Digital Object Identifier.