Medium of performance
- Unimarc Medium of performance
- Unimarc codes for medium of performance: multilingual searchable database containing accepted and variant terms, definitions and codes.
- Unimarc Medium of performance - Suffixes
- Suffixes of the Unimarc codes for medium of performance: multilingual searchable database.
- Voices and instruments in SBN-Musica
- A list of over 2,800 terms for musical instruments (mostly occidental from the Renaissance to the 19th Cent.)
with many language or dialect variants, as found in sources and dictionaries. All terms have an Italian translation
and the code used for music cataloguing in SBN.
Update 2005
Update 1988 (Also in .zip version)
Introduction to the list (in Italian)
Reserved area
- Unimarc Medium of performance - Reserved area
- Search and management of terms. Only for registered and authorised users
- Suffixes for Unimarc Medium of performance - Reserved area
- Search and management of terms. Only for registered and authorised users